Author: Katie Kemp
Ola Kala….everything is fine!
Looking Around
Mermaid in the Cyclades
Whose bridge?
Spring flowers

A long but very pleasing journey from Milford, via a wonderful family bash ( these gatherings are never without incident, this time a pesky little accident which gave us an amazing opportunity to stand together in prayer, a momentarily unwatched Kezzie who mooched off to explore local gardens and Dunc…
Super Mauro and wild flowers

Many years ago wise Christian leaders taught us the value of being flexible…in every aspect of life and relationships. To hold people, plans and expectations lightly. Challenging but this has probably been the best advice we have ever received, especially whilst living 50/50 at home in Milford and on Rope…
Thank you
Greek lessons
Starting again

On Friday our winsome four year old grandson swung his little ruck sack over his shoulder, looked up, parentwards and robustly declared, ‘starting again then!’ His lovely family were turning their faces towards the Flying Dolphin, Athens and home. After 10 companionable days of long laughter and short tears, stories,…