Category: 2015
Sunday Best
It is one of those late-summer-going-on-early-autumn days which wrap their soft warmth into every nip and tuck of body and boat. Slung into my hammock which Simon cleverly whiskered across Rope Sole’s ample bow, I have been reading, gazing and musing while Kezzie knuckles down to the serious business of…
The Sting
One euro well spent
Father and father
Under the Caravan
Ola Kala….everything is fine!
Looking Around
Sunday Best

It is one of those late-summer-going-on-early-autumn days which wrap their soft warmth into every nip and tuck of body and boat. Slung into my hammock which Simon cleverly whiskered across Rope Sole’s ample bow, I have been reading, gazing and musing while Kezzie knuckles down to the serious business of…